Review Film "The Amazing mourice"
The story name "The Amazing Maurice" the ancient background setting is supported by warm color in the film. Durations is about 90 minutes. The story telling about adventure and comedy genre with cartoon characters and interesting depictions.
This story tells of cat name Maurice and his friend is human name Keith, as a Pied Piper. The collaborate with rats and their village to get money by chase away the rats. After rats go away in their village have any problem, that is all the food go away. And this is make Maurice, Keith, and Malicia find out the truth. But in another side, the rats busy looking for the "dangerous bunny" who said to be able to take them to paradise.
This is story interesting because this is about adventure story between animals (cat and rats) and humans who are interconented. With the presence of narator when the film start this is make audiens think that this film has a third person view. for example when Malicia telling about bunny with book in her hand. There are several scenes at the begining that are confusing, such us Malicia and her story, but suddenly the book enters the story and Malicia take part in the advanture.
In my opinion, there are several moral value, the first is their friendship which is number one in the adventure, who always unite for the sake of truth and goodness. And next is their presis tence is seeking the truth without fear. This needs to be appiciated, without unity they will never be able to eradicate the disaster for their village.
The conclucion from my review is this story is very interesting to watch with the family because is his many moral values and interesting characters. Apart from that, the storyline is very easy to understand.
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